Caused by low Magnesium levels in the animals system, extreme cases can result in death. Magnesium is the only mineral absorbed in the rumen, high protein fast growing forages pass through the rumen too quickly offering little time for the ruminant to absorb magnesium from the food they’ve consumed.
So if you’re noticing loose manure in your paddocks and/or your animals are behaving a little stranger than usual, they might be experiencing a case of Grass Tetany, our TRAC Experts In Ruminant Productivity are here to help you…
☎️ 08 8733 1888
📧 info@totalresult.com.au
🌐 www.totalresult.com.au
Our Consultants
Tom Thorn
0427 243 319
Owen Rees
0429 437 823
Mikaela Baker
0457 243 319