Millicent SA 5280
Office - 08 8733 1888
Email - info@totalresult.com.au
Total Result Ag Consulting is committed to delivering a range of service packages that meet the specific needs of your farm business. From the standard nutritional and stock health consultations to detailed coaching for your farm business, all aspects of the service ensures that your business productivity and profitability targets are met.

Ideal for the client who wants stock health & nutrition advice as well as coaching in key productivity management areas such as calving, joining, detailed finishing stock programs & maximise pasture utilisation and forage response efficiency.
12 month Nutrition Service including...
3 Consultations guaranteed for support in a Key Production Area of your Livestock Enterprise including
Setting Up KPI's
Ration Formulation & Balancing tools for each stock group in that production area
Phone Support
Managing your stock's requirements

Ideal for the client who wants to take their nutrition consulting to the next level and review the business’s strengths and weaknesses with a full productivity & stock performance analysis; includes an annual feed forecast & business budget based on the client goals and set outcomes for their business
12 month Nutrition Service – now with 6 Consultations guaranteed with your Key Productivity Consultant to review not just the stock nutrition but also the farm's production needs with relation to fodder plans and finishing stock needs
All the inclusions of the Introduction Consulting Package with the additional benefits of...
Support in THREE Key Production Areas of your Livestock Enterprise
7 days a week Phone Support
Pasture & Forage Budgeting with the tailored support tool TRAC FODDER
Enterprise Performance recording as part of consult reporting
Managing your stock's requirements & reviewing your farm's business needs

Ideal for the corporate client who wants to regularly measure & monitor their business’s protocols and procedures to ensure their investment is working at the optimum level and delivering the TOTAL RESULT to the bottom line.
All the inclusion of the Complete Consulting Package with additional benefits of...
12 month Nutrition Service – now with 10 Consultations per annum with the leading ruminant experts within the TRAC Team, looking at the whole farm business from nutrition optimisation to forage maximisation to business profitability
Farm planning sessions with forward feed forecasting