Millicent SA 5280
Office - 08 8733 1888
Email - info@totalresult.com.au
Total Result Ag Consulting has a range of packages available that bring the next level of service to the table, not only ensuring your herd or flock health & nutrition needs are met, but we also strive to assist clients in being efficient & effective in their application of the latest information and technologies available. As EXPERTS IN RUMINANT PRODUCTIVITY, we ensure your investment is working at the optimum level and delivering the TOTAL RESULT.
We work with clients throughout southern Australia in the Dairy, Beef and Sheep sector with a range of feed systems from dryland, intensive pasture based, as well as PMR & TMR systems, where formulating productivity driven and cost effective rations and ensuring the overall animal health are at the forefront of every consult.
Our association Australian Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology (AIAST) and as members of the Australian Association of Ruminant Nutritionists (AARN), along with various independent study tours, have broadened our research of current information and technologies, which are evident in our consulting methodology and problem solving approach.
TRAC is committed to delivering a range of service packages that meet the specific needs of your farm business. Please click the relevant link below to review which aspects of the service will ensure that your business productivity and profitability targets are met.

No matter which consulting package you choose, TRAC provides
24 hr / 7 day a week phone support, guaranteed 5-weekly consults and an annual feed budgets as part of every plan.
Standard - 10x productivity consults per annum
Complete - Standard inclusion as well as financial analysis
Premium - Complete inclusions as well as budget updates
Corporate - monthly business & productivity coaching
Managing your herd’s requirements & business goals

Taking the ruminant consulting market to the next level, TRAC offers a range of consulting packages to ensure your herd health and nutrition needs are met.
Introduction - 3x productivity consults per annum
Complete - 6x productivity consults as well as feed budgeting
Corporate - 10x productivity consults as well as forward feed forecasting & business coaching
Managing your herd’s requirements & business goals

With with a practical hands on approach, TRAC delivers extensive knowledge based consulting packages to ensure your flock health and nutritional needs are met.
Introduction - 3x productivity consults per annum
Complete - 6x productivity consults as well as feed budgeting
Corporate - 10x productivity consults as well as forward feed forecasting & business coaching